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RentControl's CMS System

If You Don't Have a Website

We can give you one, using our new CMS.

A CMS (Content Management System) describes a method of building a website that lets you maintain and update it, even if you don't know HTML, how to FTP, or anything about any other web technologies. A CMS is NOT like using MicroSoft FrontPage or Dreamweaver, packages that create HTML documents which you then upload. Instead, you update the website OVER THE WEB, editing documents using a word-processing facility.

Your website can look pretty much any way you want it to. We'll help you design it, if you want. We'll even host it for you or you can find your own ISP.

If You Have a Website Now

Use our CMS as an adjunct that you link to from your own website. We'll make the adjunct look as much as possible like your primary site so that browsing is seamless.

How The Automatic Upload Works

Once our CMS is in place, you'll use RentControl to export your inventory. The website package includes a little program that will turn your exported inventory into a database that is uploaded to your website, along with any referenced pictures.

That's it! Once the upload completes, your website will reflect your latest inventory (including deletions or additions), current prices (if you've chosen to display them), and current photos.

Find out more about using the website.